Air Cleaner Electrostatic Filter

General- purpose filters use isolators that are produced from plastic, teflon, derlin (mechanical plastic) or temperature sensitive plastic material. As these isolators don’t resist 15 thousand volts’ arc that are used in electro filters, it is impossible for them to be long lasting in case of working at high power and heavy works.

General – purpose filters use isolators that are produced from plastic, teflon, derlin (mechanical plastic) or temperature sensitive plastic material. As these isolators don’t resist 15 thousand volts’ arc that are used in electro filters, it is impossible for them to be long lasting in case of working at high power and heavy works. Alike the electricity within auto spark plug that are used at electrostatics filters, more durable a plastic spark plus, more durable these filters in the kitchen chimney. Originally, these filters are used to keep the pollens in the clean air coming from the out at central system air conditions and cool insulator industry CNC oil smoke in the world. In our country, the ones who are not electronic authorizers are giving to everywhere by mounting carbon in front of it. When carbon finishes, it is continuously renewed, like lifelong subscription…

Areas to be used: Filters which are mounted to the places where chimney doesn’t exist that are used to increase the air quality in the shopping malls due to the legal obligation. These kinds of filters cannot be used without carbon filters. However it is said these carbon filters are for six months, their life cannot exceed one month.

Correct usage area is isolator industry smoke (Laser Machines and CNC tables). Apart from these, in case of being used in the restaurants, these are costly, troublesome and nondurable.

These Electrostatics Filters are plastic isolators and they are indurable against high voltage. Likewise, one part of general- purpose filters are tunguslam wire ionizer and they work at low power (30w) as the wires often break off at high power.

Usage Areas of General – Purpose Filter

  • Laser Smoke Filter
  • CNC Smoke Filter
  • Liquid Flow Smoke Filter